Am I giving up when choosing Hospice?

It is understandable that some people would be uncomfortable with the idea of stopping all efforts to cure their disease. A feeling of grief or questions like “Am I giving up?” are commonly experienced for persons transitioning from treatment to comfort-focused care.  However, choosing hospice care is not giving up; it is a choice to prioritize and focus on improving your quality-of-life. It is courageous to fight terminal illness, and it is equally courageous to know when to discontinue treatment that is no longer helpful.

Too often, patients are enrolled in Hospice when  they themselves, or the family, is in crisis, resulting in a hospice experience of just days, not the ideal weeks or months.  This is heard from patients and families who frequently tell us, “I wish I had enrolled in hospice services sooner.”

It is unsurprising that we hear this sentiment since, once enrolled in hospice care, patients receive the support and comfort care to make a better quality of life possible.

Part of the challenge with the belief that choosing Hospice is “Giving up” is that it prevents people from living life to the fullest in their last days. Perhaps instead of asking the question “Am I giving up?” we can ask ourselves the following questions when choosing hospice care:

  • Am I giving myself a chance to live life fully?
  • Am I receiving spiritual and emotional support for me and my family?
  • Am I giving myself time to connect to family and friends?

Although end-of-life care may be difficult to discuss, it is best for you to discuss your wishes before you and your family are in crisis. Additionally, hospice care is most beneficial when started as early as possible affording adequate time for symptom and pain management and development of trusting relationships between patient, family and Hospice Team.  The UVM Health Network – Home Health & Hospices of Vermont offer a program called Start the Conversation which provides helpful information for anyone interested in learning about end-of-life care options and resources for Vermonters who wish to set up an Advance Directive. Speak to the UVM Health Network – Home Health & Hospice or your physician; or visit the for more information.

At any point in your decision making process, you can call the UVM Health Network – Home Health & Hospice hospice team to ask questions about hospice or request services. More information can found on UVM Health Network – Home Health & Hospice’s hospice program by clicking here.

It is a phenomenon of any life transition that we must say goodbye to one thing as we say hello to another. All beginnings are endings, just as all endings are beginnings. If you decide to stop treatments for a disease or terminal illness, know that you are also choosing to say hello to a life that is comfortable, and the opportunity to live more fully in your last days.